ASF Boutique

A Stellar Find Boutique

A thought I never would have expected to come to pass, but it did. A passion I didn't think could get any stronger and it does day by day. A talent I had no idea I possessed and now it's awakened.
In 2007 I was pregnant with my daughter, Sophia, and completely obsessed with all things girly. As I spent so much time reading other blogs astonished by the things these SAHM's were making, I fanned the little flame of creation in me. Craft stores and Etsy began my collection of accessory making. From invitations to jewelry I became so fascinated by art in fashion. During this time there were lots of from-home-business' such as It Works, Scentsy, ThirtyOne and of course the staples, Mary Kay, Avon, etc. and so I decided to get a bunch of my friends who were in this career and have a trunk show at my house, officially launching A Stellar Find. It was such a great turnout! I sold out of fabric bookmarks, decorated paperclips, hair accessories, jewelry and so much more! I went on to do art shows and market days introducing the world to my business! It was the greatest feeling ever! At this time the visions started growing and expanding into things I only saw as a dream and never actually a possibility. As the years passed my visions would fill a large 3" binder, separated by home décor, jewelry, accessories and more. Here and there I would throw out that I would love to make this hobby a

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