Monday, January 17, 2011

But it's not Monday!

Hmm, if I'm correct I've been trying to lose weight since, oh about 7th grade.  Thick, chubby, big-boned (no such thing btw), and here is the worst I've heard, "well, why don't you look like your sister?" (my sister would be rail thin).  Yep, heard pretty much all of it.  It wasn't until the summer of '02 when I lost a massive amount of weight - wearing anywhere from a size 8 to 12 in jeans to my lowest size, a 2!!!  Crazy.  Yeah, I still carry around in my closet a pair of jeans from A&F, size 4.  It's insane...I was binging on Hydroxycut, cocaine, and working out.  Ironically enough I met my now husband during this 'skinny' time, now 8 years and 3 kids later I'm weighing in at a cool 173.2 (can't forget the ounce).  I would say my attempts to lose weight or even regularly exercise in the past have been mediocre. I would try then give up, but every Monday I was back to trying again.  I tried the healthy eating, yoga, the old school workout dvds, the Fit channel, Insanity, and even the latest fad, Zumba.  Yep, nothing seemed to stick or at I guess I never stuck with it.  
God has given me more and more wisdom as I walk with Him and the one thing that I knew in the back of my mind but failed to meditate on  it was, my body being the temple of the Holy Spirit.  By the grace of God I absolutely LOVE people...I love reaching out to them, ministering to them, helping them, and most importantly reflecting the Jesus in my life for them.  But I just knew that I wasn't honoring God with my body (we'll have to wait another day for the tattoos).  Inside every big girl is the desire to be fit and healthy, I didn't say skinny, I said fit and healthy.  I don't care to be a size 4 again, what I do care about is, 1. being on this earth long enough to do the will of God for the time He has alloted me to be here and 2. reaching a goal, plain and simple.  
[This post was on draft...2011, I'm now finishing it ;)]
Ok. So here we are January 17 4:36 pm on the dot. Exactly two weeks ago today I FINALLY began my weight loss journey.  I weighed in a 176 lbs...lets remember in the previous paragraph I weighed in a 173.2 - I don't remember when exactly I initially wrote this post, but regardless, I gained 3 lbs since then.  Ugh.  So what started out as a 3-mth weight loss challenge between family has sealed my road to recovery.  I sound like an addict, right? Well...I was. I was addicted to food!! Okay so lets fast forward to today.  Today I am weighing 170.8 lbs!!! (Big Smile).  Yep, after tips from friends and family, I have been using them all to change my lifestyle of eating and exercising.  Today, I eat at 5-6 small meals a day, don't eat after 8pm, carbs in the morning and a little at lunch, WATER (w/lemon), and most importantly exercise!  It's amazing...and I feel amazing!! Physically I haven't seen that much of a difference, but the compliments from others are replacing what I don't see. I have set a short term goal of loosing 20 lbs by April 3, 2011. 
Unbeknownst  to my 3 bloggers who stalk follow me, I've committed to publicly announce my journey. Hopefully I can upload video diaries to catch you up to speed on my quest.   
I do have to send a thanks to MTV's I Used To Be Fat goodness, what inspiration!! Oh and another thanks to my high school reunion that's coming up in June...I must say, I'm motivated.  Besides, who wouldn't be...I'm fixing to see my entire graduating class...I don't have a degree, but I sure will look good, ha ha!

I'm on it folks! God is on my side and greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!! 

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