Saturday, January 7, 2012


I just wanted to drop in a quick post on some great news! Who doesn't love good news?!?! Wednesday, Jan. 4 was the first official day of my new lifestyle habits and I'm happy to report good progress already - not even a week in yet! Whoo! Oh, I didn't join WW afterall - I felt that I could use the $43 dollars on some healthy food instead - I also picked up a book I had on my shelf for a couple years now called, The Abs Diet, written by an editor of The Men's Health Magazine. No, it's not how to get abs in a week or anything, its actually a really, really, really great eductional book on the crap thats the food we put in our mouths. It's an eye opener to realizing the fat that sits comfortably around our waist is actually DANGEROUS! The greasy fat cells that spew out acids causing sicknesses and even possible cancers! It instantly changed "I'm tempted to eat that _____" to "I straight up do not want to even that!". Yeah, I found myself becoming that annoying skinny lady reading the labels on everything at the grocery store. I do that and think, OMG! high fructose corn syrup is in this?!? Aside from that food knowledge, it tells the reader on eating the correct foods to build muscle which burns fat constantly - not just when working out. And how it's more beneficial to build muscle than sweating out calories on the tredmill. So, with that education, Zumba, spiritual guidance and eating healthier I am proud thankful to say that I am already down nearly 2 pounds from just 3 (or 4) days ago! I wasn't supposed to check my weight again till next Wednesday, but I decided to sneak in a peek at the numbers and wa-la :) I'm happy & more motivated! But I do want to add a little lesson learned from Made to Crave. Though I'm done pounds already and yes I'm happy, I'm not only happy cause I've lost or the numbers are lower, but I'm happy because of a couple things. I know that even if the numbers weren't down, I'm still really proud of my self-discipline - I know that I have been making dramatic differences in my eating choices and most importantly, I'm happy because no matter what number I am on a scale, I am always loved unconditionally by my Father in Heaven. I know that this moment, this experience, it was already predestined by God. He knows how I got here (to this weight and eating habits) and already had plans to get me out of this.
This is definitely the beginning of the end. I'm slowly saying goodbye the old me. I'm glad that I never got used to this body and size cause its not me. I have unfortuantely got here by bad eating habits, low self-esteem caused by bad experiences, lack of knowing how to handle matters properly and not knowing the power within to overcome! I, Jessica, was made for more by God! 2012 will be my year to shine my light for the glory of my King!

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