Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lunchbreak Blog

I think I've shared with you once before and you may have noticed from my book reviews, but I love to read! Yes, this would be one of my top past times. I love to visit any bookstore and I most love the way good old paperback books smell. Mmm. It just takes me somewhere - somewhere my nerd self comes alive! My top birthday gift this year was actually a gift card to Barnes & Noble :) I picked up 3 books that I am reading all at the same time actually. I bought this book by Angela Thomas called, 52 Things Kids Need From a Mom. It's so neat and really beneficial to any mother and wife! She shares so much wisdom that we all need to raising our children, from just touching them to praying with the door open. Tons of short 1's and 2's about what our children need to hear or be reassured by and what sticks as they grow up. It's neat ;). I also picked up a 60-day devotional to Made To Crave - and I know I've already shred how much I love this book! It's so amazing and powerful! And last I picked up A Woman's Guide to Fasting. I've only gotten thru the first charter so far, but it's already very insightful! This author shares very simple, non-complicated truths about fasting and her experiences...very cool!
So, we're down to t-minus 3.5 days left of the school year and after being inspired by the book 52 Things... I stopped by the grocery store and picked up a small cake I had personalized to say Congratulations Leo, Jeremy and Sophia. I wanted to celebrate all their hat work am good conduct this year - I wanted to make sure they knew it don't go unnoticed. I also wrote them each a small note about the things we, daddy & mommy, thought about them. So after dinner I kept them around at the dinner table and daddy had them close their eyes. We brought out the cake and notes and they were ecstatic!! Our boys had actually just performed a dance in their school talent show do we also celebrated that, too. The boys read their letters aloud and I read Sophia's and it was definitely a memorable moment. I tested up just hearing them read the letters cause gosh, time flies!!! They have grown up so quickly and most importantly they truly are good kids. We always receive so much praise on their personality, conduct as a student and their joy. That makes us so proud of them and thankful for the foundation we are able to lay down for them, thanks to God for our salvation now - not later, but now.

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