Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Men really are from Mars...and so is there metabolism -_-

Good morning friends! Welcome another windy cold front to South Texas! And speaking of cold, I gotta tell you all about my evening last night! About a week ago my sister came up with a grand idea – me, her and my brother taking our mom to New York City for a weekend of appreciate for all she does everyday for us and our families. Yeah, that includes babysitting, taking the item we forgot to stick in our kids’ backpack for school, staying home with a sick kid and even cleaning up our house when she’s there. We straight up LOVE HER! Personally, she does an incredible amount of things for my family. My job requires me to be at work by 6 am. My husband works shifts, so sometimes he has to be at work by 6:30 am. The two of us working that early in the morning leaves no one to wake our kids and take them to school – in comes my mom. My daughter goes to pre-k half a day and gets out a 11 am – in comes my mom. I don’t get out of work till 4:30 pm and my boys get out of school at 3:30 pm – in comes my mom. So, even though this routine isn’t everyday (thank God for the shifts), the point is, she’s willing and does it and I’m grateful to her. Unfortunately, just a while back she got a report that her cancer has resurfaced and that hit us pretty hard. I’m not going to go into details for the simple fact that I’m at work and if I start expressing all this, I’ll be snot crying all over the place. No, we’re not taking this trip because of that, but more of thank you and let’s enjoy each other, life and moments that irreplaceable. Above is the picture of the amazing cupcakes. They were just as delicious as you could imagine!
So this male co-worker swings by my cubicle office to say hello and what not. I didn’t have much to say, but I did remember that he had started this weight loss deal less than a couple weeks ago. I asked him how that was going and he said, “Man, I just don’t have any patience – I want things to happen quicker.” I asked him how much weight he’s lost so far and he casually yet disappointingly says, 14 lbs. FOURTEEN POUNDS?!?! “You’ve lost 14 lbs already (in less than a month) and you’re not thrilled?!?!” I screamed said. He went on to say, no…he hates that it takes forever, oh and he just started exercising last night. Oh my gosh. For real? I’ve been working out, exercising, eating health[ier] since the beginning of the year and to date have lost 4 lbs and this GUY has lost that much already with just not eating sweets and cokes?
CONVO WITH GOD: God, You know that I don’t really question anything you do, right? You know I love You and I know Your ways and thoughts are much higher than my own, but really, God? Really? Just let me ask one “why” question…Why do mean lose weight so much quicker than women? Why? What are You teaching us in this?
I mean come on now! Ladies you know you’ve seen the commercial with the cartooned sketched lady and man – they start a diet – he drops pant sizes and she drops a pound. It’s a known fact…men loose weight a whole lot quicker than women. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh. Alright, reality check to myself. I’m thinking back on all I’ve learned…I’m not defined by measuring tape or a scale – I know my self-discipline to eating right and working out has been way more than ever before, so pat on the back to me. I won’t base my happiness on what size pants I’m wearing because size 12 or 2, I know who I am in Christ and those attributes don’t require me being a certain size, hair/eye/skin color or my abilities. Ahh. Ok. I’m better. I’ve regained my composure. Back to my conversation…I kindly congratulated him and gave him just a little encouragement to keep up the good work, as my sore muscles from this morning’s workout remind me of my hard work. This morning defined the word strength for me. My workout was 5 bear crawls from one side of the gym to the other – then 100 jump ropes – then 15 squats with 20 lbs. TIMES THREE! It was torture. I literally crawwwwled my way to the end of the gym as I finished up that last workout, grunting, and giving out a yell here and there. I felt as if I was going to fall flat on my face because of how weak and tired I was. Aside from the echoing chants of support, I know that I was completely dependent on God’s strength. I had to be because if I didn’t I would’ve not only given up, but not been able to even move one hand in front of the other or even squat down with 20 lbs weights on the bar I struggled to hold up on my chest.

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