Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'm not defined by the number on a scale!

It's 6:35 in the morning and I feel ah-mazing! Had a good workout this morning - who knew I'd be dead lifting 50 lbs and be able to hold my entire weight up for an entire 60 seconds for five minutes, every minute! And thank God I wasn't that sore this morning from yesterday's painful workout. I did some better preparing with food so I wouldn't feel as terrible as I did yesterday morning. I had water and a banana ready and available for immediately after my workout! I know that I've been doing really well and as I said before, I'm not basing all my progress by the number on the scale because I know it won't always give me justice. So, as I was in convo with God I told Him that He needs to continue to remind me that I'm doing a great job, and hey, if He can work some of His supernatural powers to loosen up this pants, that would definitely boost my confidence. The other day I was watching a show on E! about the top whatever # celebrity slimdowns and one tip was to not rate your self by the scale or even your waist line but by what you see in the mirror. Hmm...that actually sounds like a challenge. How many people could actually do that? Not be dependent on watching the numbers drop or their pant size get smaller, but looking at the results on your own body - that makes sense. Now I don't think I can do that, but it's worth a shot sometime soon. This morning I kinda did that...as I got up this morning I lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach -and it's a little strange but I did see my midsection looking a little smaller. I weigh in again tomorrow night, so we shall seeee what the scale says.

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